Tuesday, May 19, 2009

What Others Say:

I am so excited about the Adventures of Jack and Jenny and I look forward to watching them grow and create. I love how Steffani has invited the reader into the story by asking them questions along Jack and Jenny's adventures. I can't wait to see what happens next!!
~ Carol

Steffani helps people reframe their limiting beliefs in a fun and safe environement. If you haven't done a life map yet, you should.

What an inspiring evening!! Steffani is such a great teacher and we had such a wonderful group!!

Awesome workshop!!! Great facilitator, great energy and fun people. Looking forward to manifesting great things from creating my life map!

I really enjoyed myself. Steffani did a great job and it was wonderful to meet everyone and share ideas and experiences. Very motivating and inspiring. I am excited to put together my map. Thanks to everyone and hope to see you at other events soon.

This was a great experience and very helpful! Thank you so much for doing this!

Great method to apply the law of attraction to your life with help of the group leaders and the group. The entire room was energized with great people wanting the best for themselves while helping each other. This workshop was planned well and was so helpful. I was so blessed the group to be there.
